Donate Now

Donations are vital to our organization – it’s how we purchase new equipment! As you can imagine, you can’t just buy a dragon boat down the street at the local dealership. Every new boat purchase comes directly from a Chinese manufacturer, shipped to California, and then transported to Tempe. Additionally we supply our members with PFDs (personal floatation devices, aka life jackets), wooden paddles, and a whole supply closet full of other items that keep our organization on the water.

Every dollar counts, so please consider a donation to the Arizona Dragon Boat Association. PayPal donations may be made below or if you would like to donate offline, please contact our Treasurer at You can mail a check to P.O. Box 1745, Tempe, AZ 85280. We will provide you with a tax-deductible charity receipt for your contribution. Thank you in advance!

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Donation Total: $25

dragon boat racing